Build a House of Allah

A masjid is more than just a place of prayer; it is a center of worship, learning, and community support. Our Masjid Construction Projects provide underserved communities with a sacred space for unity and spiritual growth. Each masjid, accommodating 200 people or more, costs €20,000 to build, becoming a lasting source of faith and belonging.

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said: “Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him a house like it in Paradise.” (Bukhari & Muslim)

You can donate a full masjid as an individual or a group, leaving behind a legacy of worship and spiritual benefit. Alternatively, you can contribute to our fundraising campaigns to help complete or renovate masjids in areas where they are urgently needed. Every donation counts will you take part in this noble cause?

Masjid Fundraising – Support Construction & Renovation

Here, we help communities in need of places of worship and support masjids undergoing renovation. Many Muslims lack a proper space to pray, and existing masjids often require urgent repairs. With your generosity, we can provide new masjids and restore existing ones for those who need them most.

Anything can help whether it's a small contribution or sponsoring an entire masjid. Your support brings communities together in worship and strengthens their faith.